December 28, 2023
New Year’s Eve ServicesDecember 31, at 9:00am & 10:30am No Breakouts. Café closed. (Black coffee only) |
Kenya Team Breakfast Mission MealSunday, December 31, from 8:00am to 10:45am The Kenya team will be serving breakfast in the community center. The menu is: Breakfast Haystack, Fruit Slush, & Coffee Cake. Thank you for your prayers & financial support! |
Sisters in Christ—New Study Sign Up!
Ladies, join us for an 8-week study of the Lord’s 7 Feasts. We will be studying through a book by Erin Davis along with other Biblical resources. The study will be on Wednesdays, January 24 – March 13. We will celebrate a Passover Seder Meal together on March 20. Sign up in the foyer & purchase a book today! The last day to sign up is January 14. |
Office HoursThe church office will be closed on January 1. |
Discover FairlawnThursday, January 11, at 6:00pm Come hear more about our mission & the core values that shape our life together at Fairlawn. Dinner provided. For more infomation visit: https://fmcapplecreek.elvanto.net/form/41d7c9b2-13ff-4a65-9189-0ad4cd6649f2
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Perspectives 2024January 8 - April 29 (each Monday), from 6:30pm-9:30pm, at Fairlawn Join us for a 15 week educational course exploring different aspects of God's global purpose in a multi-faceted learning experience. Cost is $250 per person (use the discount code EBIRD to save $50 before Dec. 20). Fairlawn is also offering a $150 reimbursement for members & regular attenders who are taking Perspectives for the first time. Contact Derrick Miller at 330.231.3847 with questions.
For more infomation visit:
RightNow MediaFree Access to +20,000 Bible Study Videos Every person at our church has free access to biblical series on many topics! RightNow Media is an amazing, impactful resource your families are going to love! Check it out! For more infomation visit: